God’s Extravagant Grace

“Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joseph, and Salome.” – Mark 15:40 – (NIV)

Mary Magdalene made her way through the shadows to the garden tomb, grateful for the darkness that hid her tears. She wondered: How could the world go on as if nothing had happened? Had everyone lost their minds? Had no one noticed that the world had collapsed two days ago? For the past three years, she had closely followed the Rabbi across Galilee and Judea. She had loved His hearty laughter and the smile that flashed across His face. Wherever they went, she felt privileged to tell her story. 

Growing up in Magdala, Mary did not prosper. How could she when she was filled with demons who controlled her mind? Her delusions, locked in a nightmare world, isolated her even from small pleasures and simple kindnesses. But then Jesus came. Like no Rabbi she had ever encountered, He seemed neither afraid nor repulsed by her illnesses. “Mary,” He had called to her as though He had known her all her life. Despite the heat, she shivered as He grew near. Though she backed away, she could feel a greater light advancing toward her, forcing the darkness away. Suddenly her familiar companions were themselves begging for mercy, but no mercy was given. 

Mary Magdalene, a woman possessed by seven demons, was restored to her right mind. Since then, everyone in Magdala marvelled at the change in her life. How could Mary not love such a man? How could she not want to do everything for Him? She was given a new lease and was overjoyed to be close to Jesus; to witness healing after healing; to be stirred, surprised, and refreshed by His teaching. This, indeed, was a joy to a woman unaccustomed to joy. 

Why don’t you give your heart to Him today?


Lord Jesus, make me a person like Mary Magdalene, who followed You not because of a legalistic understanding of her faith but because of an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for Your own extravagant grace. Help me surrender my darkness to You and flood me with the light of Your presence, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Read: 1 Peter 5:7; Romans 8:39
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 68:21-27; John 19:1-27; 1 Samuel 26; 1 Samuel 27; 1 Samuel 28

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